Words by Mark Herbison, FOW // Photos by Kylie Fly, FOW
Where does wonder originate? Is it a feeling existing in an isolated state within one’s own neural pathways? Or is it a reaction - triggered by the excitement of discovery? Celebrated for its history of human discovery and producing notable mathematicians, scientists, architects and philosophers, Greece is without a doubt, a geography with a great many wonder seekers. Was it the place that elicited such curiosity?
Pt. I: The Journey Begins
I had always wanted to go to Greece, but my lack of travel experience, knowledge of the area, and motivation to organize a trip had historically kept me grounded on Northern American soil. So when a long time friend - someone who I had learned to climb, ski tour, move through the mountains, and shared many subsequent misadventures with - invited us on a trip he was planning, I didn't hesitate to say yes.
This was actually the pared down kit. FOW: Mark Herbison
My partner, Kylie, and I had spent the summer paragliding primarily in the Columbia Valley and Wasatch Range, spending little time climbing on rock. On this trip, we had gear-intensive goals. We planned to bring both our paragliding and climbing kits, so the packing had to be strategic and precise.
Airport ice cream pairs well with Isotrope. FOW: Kylie Fly
Tourist Activities
We landed in Athens and spent a few days exploring the city and ancient ruins as one should when visiting an area with such rich history and allure. The streets were small and packed with the pulsing hustle and bustle. I was a bit overwhelmed by the intensity of the driving, having come from a small town consisting of roughly 4000 people and 3 traffic lights. But on foot, we took in the city at our own pace, immersing ourselves in that special blend of scenery that can only be produced by millenia of human habitation.

FOW: Kylie Fly
Up to Kalyvia
We drove our small, manual compact rental rig along the winding road, in and out of the low lying cloud, up and over the pass, which would have given us a stellar view of the Aegean Sea if we weren't enveloped by clouds. We drove along grassy meadows, stoney dirt roads and next to quaint little farms with an abundance of dogs. We found the small village of Kalyvia. The cobblestone streets are barely wide enough to squeeze the rental through. We stopped at a small cafe for a drink. No one spoke English, and we, of course, did not speak Greek. We struggled to order, but ended up with some muddy coffee and a Sprite. The waitress smirked and ushered us on our way.
To be continued...
Complimentary Photo Journal!
Get our SEEK WONDER | GREECE print photo journal free with any order! This booklet features an more immersive selection of Kylie's photos immortalized in physical form.
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